
Buyers What Is Going on with Mortgage Rates? You may have heard mortgage rates are going to stay a bit higher for longer than originally expected. And if you’re wondering why, the answer lies in the latest economic data. Here’s a quick overview of what’s happening with mortgage rates and what experts say is ahead. Economic Factors That Impact Mortgage Rates When it comes to […]
Buyers The Perks of Buying over Renting Thinking about buying a home? While today’s mortgage rates might seem a bit intimidating, here are two solid reasons why, if you’re ready and able, it could still be a smart move to get your own place. 1. Home Values Typically Go Up Over Time There’s been some confusion over the past year or so about which way home […]
Buyers Is a Multi-Generational Home Right for You? Ever thought about living in the same house with your grandparents, parents, or other loved ones? You’re not alone. A lot of people are choosing to buy multi-generational homes where everyone can live together. Let’s check out why they think it’s a good idea to see if it might be a good fit for you, too. Why […]
Buyers Foreclosure Numbers Are Nothing Like the 2008 Crash If you’ve been keeping up with the news lately, you’ve probably come across some articles saying the number of foreclosures in today’s housing market is going up. And that may leave you feeling a bit worried about what’s ahead, especially if you owned a home during the housing crash in 2008. The reality is, while increasing, the data shows […]
Buyers The Best Way To Keep Track of Mortgage Rate Trends If you’re thinking about buying a home, chances are you’ve got mortgage rates on your mind. You’ve heard about how they impact how much you can afford in your monthly mortgage payment, and you want to make sure you’re factoring that in as you plan your move. The problem is, with all the headlines in the news about rates lately, it […]
Buyers What You Really Need To Know About Home Prices According to recent data from Fannie Mae, almost 1 in 4 people still think home prices are going to come down. If you’re one of the people worried about that, here’s what you need to know. A lot of that fear is probably coming from what you’re hearing in the media or reading online. But here’s the thing […]
Buyers Is It Getting More Affordable To Buy a Home? Over the past year or so, a lot of people have been talking about how tough it is to buy a home. And while there’s no arguing affordability is still tight, there are signs it’s starting to get a bit better and may improve even more throughout the year. Elijah de la Campa, Senior Economist at Redfin, says: […]
Buyers Is It Better To Rent Than Buy a Home Right Now? You may have seen reports in the news recently saying it’s more affordable to rent right now than it is to buy a home. And while that may be true in some markets if you just look at typical monthly payments, there’s one thing that the numbers aren’t factoring in: and that’s home equity. Here’s a […]
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Buyers Should I Wait for Mortgage Rates To Come Down Before I Move? If you’ve got a move on your mind, you may be wondering whether you should wait to sell until mortgage rates come down before you spring into action. Here’s some information that could help answer that question for you. In the housing market, there’s a longstanding relationship between mortgage rates and buyer demand. Typically, the higher rates are, you’ll […]
Buyers Ways To Use Your Tax Refund If You Want To Buy a Home Have you been saving up to buy a home this year? If so, you know there are a number of expenses involved – from your down payment to closing costs. But did you also know your tax refund can help you pay for some of these expenses? As Credit Karma explains: “If one of your goals is to stop renting […]
Buyers Builders Are Building Smaller Homes There’s no arguing it, affordability is still tight. And if you’re trying to buy a home, that may mean you need to look at smaller houses to find one that’s still in your budget. But there is a silver lining: builders are focused on building these smaller homes right now and they’re offering incentives. And that can help […]
Buyers Should I Move with Today’s Mortgage Rates? When mortgage rates spiked up over the last few years, some homeowners put their plans to move on pause. Maybe you did too because you didn’t want to sell and take on a higher mortgage rate for your next home. But is that still the right strategy for you? In today’s market, data shows more homeowners are getting […]
Buyers The Top 5 Reasons You Need a Real Estate Agent when Buying a Home You may have heard headlines in the news lately about agents in the real estate industry and discussions about their commissions. And if you’re following along, it can be pretty confusing. But here’s the thing you really need to know – expert advice from a trusted real estate agent is priceless, now more than ever. […]
Buyers Don’t Let Your Student Loans Delay Your Homeownership Plans If you have student loans and want to buy a home, you might have questions about how your debt affects your plans. Do you have to wait until you’ve paid off those loans before you can buy your first home? Or is it possible you could still qualify for a home loan even with that debt? […]
Buyers Boomers Moving Will Be More Like a Gentle Tide Than a Tsunami Have you heard the term “Silver Tsunami” getting tossed around recently? If so, here’s what you really need to know. That phrase refers to the idea that a lot of baby boomers are going to move or downsize all at once. And the fear is that a sudden influx of homes for sale would have […]
Buyers Newly Built Homes Could Be a Game Changer This Spring Buying a home this spring? You’re probably navigating today’s affordability challenges and dealing with the limited number of homes for sale. But, what if there was a solution that could help with both? If you’re having a hard time finding a home you love, and mortgage rates are putting pressure on your budget, it may be time to look at […]
Buyers Is It Easier To Find a Home To Buy Now? One of the biggest hurdles buyers have faced over the past few years has been a lack of homes available for sale. But that’s starting to change. The graph below uses the latest data from to show there are more homes on the market in 2024 than there have been in any of the past several […]
Buyers Single Women Are Embracing Homeownership In today’s housing market, more and more single women are becoming homeowners. According to data from the National Association of Realtors (NAR), 19% of all homebuyers are single women, while only 10% are single men. If you’re a single woman trying to buy your first home, this should be encouraging. It means other people are making their dreams a reality – so […]
Buyers What’s the Latest with Mortgage Rates? Recent headlines may leave you wondering what’s next for mortgage rates. Maybe you’d previously heard there were going to be cuts this year that would bring rates down. That refers to the Federal Reserve (the Fed) and what they do to their Fed Funds Rate. While cutting, or lowering, the Fed Funds Rate doesn’t directly determine mortgage rates, it does […]
Buyers What’s the Latest with Mortgage Rates? Recent headlines may leave you wondering what’s next for mortgage rates. Maybe you’d previously heard there were going to be cuts this year that would bring rates down. That refers to the Federal Reserve (the Fed) and what they do to their Fed Funds Rate. While cutting, or lowering, the Fed Funds Rate doesn’t directly determine mortgage rates, it does […]